Thursday, July 7, 2016

My new YouTube

Hello ya'll. I just recently (a few days ago) took over my sister's old, unused account. Instead of doll videos that she used to make, I am instead going to upload all sorts of lifestyle videos. This includes DIYs, tutorials, hauls, tours, vlogs and more. Please subscribe to my channel by clicking HERE. Thank you all! And I will deffinetly be more active on my blog soon. Have a great rest of you day!

The Turquoise Fox

Wednesday, June 15, 2016

My Music - Some songs on my playlist

As a mini post I would like to share some of my top tracks for now that fit some various categories. Enjoy!


Tag You're it - Melanie Martinez
This isn't a particularly happy song but actually has a sinister feel. But I love it, and hey, I'm a CryBaby for life!

Feel Good / Happy

Me Too - Meghan Trainor
Idk why but this song makes me happy.


Trouble with us - Chet Faker and Marcus Marr
Honestly, I am not a huge fan of Chet Faker but this song is seriously awesome.


Don't Threaten Me With A Good Time - Panic! At The Disco
 I think I've found my style of music. Dark, emo, alternative style. If you are like me, this song and Panic! At The Disco as a whole is perfect for you.

Hope you find some good songs, 

Turquoise Fox 

Monday, April 25, 2016

Some Of My Recent Photography

For this weeks post I have some photography to share with you. I use my Mum's (thank you! xoxo) Canon G16. It's quality is pretty amazing and I love the way it blurs and focuses on different objects. I totally recommend it. I have also used the Nikon D3000 but the lighting isn't the best for indoor photos and darker times of the day. Without further ado here the pictures are!


This bird hair-piece is just too cute.

My Blog notebook

This is seriously my favourite

The essentials for writing blog posts

Thursday, April 7, 2016

Public Speaking - How to survive

A few days ago I had to do a major speech and was extremely nervous. But I used the tips I have gathered over time and today found out I got in our debating team. Here are the tips...

Organising 💭

> Make sure you do not leave making the speech to the last minute. It will save a lot of time and ensure that you can do your best work without rushing.

> Practice is an obvious one but it really is important. Knowing your speech will help you be less stressed on the actual day.

>Palm cards work the best because, well, they fit in your palm. You can get them from office stores such as OfficeWorks.

>If you feel comfortable with doing it, do not write the whole speech on the palm cards or whatever you choose to write it on. Instead you can write key points so you don't get lost with what your saying.

The Night Before 😴

>Practicing the night before is a great idea but don't over do it. Don't stay up super late practicing because you will therefore not get a good sleep.

>Do a calming activity before going to bed. Reading, yoga, listening to music and drawing or writing are some ideas.

>A good way to help you go to sleep is focusing only on your body. You can slowly relax each body part one by one and then you'll be ready to sleep.

The Day Of The Speeches 🌅

>If you have time, going for a jog or walking your dog are some great ways to kick start your day.

>A healthy breakfast or meal before the speech is especially vital to get  you up and running with a meal full of iron and protein.

>Make sure you have everything you need and that your pages are in order if there are more than one.

>A quick practice or two before leaving won't hurt either 😉

Techniques For Keeping Your Cool 😌

>When speaking, if you are nervous, pretend your having a conversation with your parents or whoever you feel comfortable talking to.

>Taking deep breaths really does help too. It will help get your breathing in the right pattern.

>If you are too nervous to look at anyone in the eye a little extra cheat is to look just on top of their heads.

Whatever happens, remember that the fact that you were brave enough to stand in front of people and speak publicly means you are amazing.
Good luck and hope this helps 😘.

~The Turquoise Fox ~